
As a life coach, I’m passionate about helping others and guiding them into a new phase of their lives. I work hard on developing a personal, open and transparent relationship with my clients, and what they say about my services is incredibly important to me. Read the testimonials below to get an idea of the experiences that past clients have had with my services, and get in touch with me today.

I suffered some personal and tragic losses over a period of (3) three years, one being my mother. I met Wanda through work and started speaking to her casually.  I didn’t know at the time that she was a life coach.  It occurred to me that there is something different about her and the way she approached life.  She is a great listener, non-judgmental and always at the end of our conversations I felt different.  She touched something in me that made me think, made me want to be better at life, love, work and just being a better version of me. I asked what her profession was and she told me about her journey.  I knew then that this was an amazing human being, someone who was placed here to help someone, everyone be a better version of themselves. I have never had a life coach, never thought I needed one but after meeting and speaking to Wanda I realized what I was missing.  Wanda’s personal style of coaching has allowed me to overcome some of my most difficult times.  She is professional and personal at the same time.  I now walk with grace and confidence that I never had.  My love for life is renewed and I look forward to new challenges. She constantly encourages me to reach higher than I think I can.  Who would not want someone like this in your life?An investment with Wanda is the best investment you could make.  This investment is not an if, it is a must.

- Keren M., 56, Property Manager

"There, but for the grace of God go I.”  Those of us that have lived long enough understand the aforementioned aphorism.  We are all fragile entities; even the smartest and strongest amongst us. The line separating Calm from Chaos is often ill-defined, if not downright invisible. There are times when a life-crisis can overwhelm us to the point of breaking.  When in turmoil, we must reach out for a helping hand. I have been fortunate that that hand belonged to Wanda.  Through a troubled time in my life, Wanda provided the much needed support and guidance with compassion, understanding and common sense.  She did not force any set personal opinions, but rather offered counsel to help a suffering soul find a path back from Chaos.

- Anonymous

Through working with Wanda, I’ve gained a greater understanding of my own purpose in life. Her coaching has enabled me to to take a different perspective on challenging situations and how to move forward in a very positive way. She is incredibly genuine, compassionate and insightful. If you are looking for a deeply dedicated life coach, I highly recommend Wanda!

- Deidra Shaver, 33, Healthcare Administer

As a new mom, I am so grateful for all of the valuable parenting strategies that I have acquired from Wanda! Her approachability, caring nature, and great listening skills make her perfect for what she does! I feel so incredibly lucky to have the support that Wanda provides.

- Jenna, 32, Physiotherapist

Wanda is friendly and welcoming and no judgment is held. She is super easy to talk to and it always feels like a safe environment to be open & honest. I was on the threshold of making some very multifaceted decisions that could have lasting long term effects on my life and the lives of my children. But after spending time with Wanda, who has the amazing ability to break things down in the simplest of terms, I was thrilled at how fast I could make decisions and feel great about myself and the decisions I made. Wanda is a real person who draws on her own experiences to inspire, uplift, and be supportive. She is amazing at talking you through difficult situations or circumstances you may be experiencing in your personal, family, or work life. I highly recommend her if you are feeling lost or stuck in your life or unable to make decisions that will ultimately affect your life or your loved ones.

- Elyse Trojman, 56, Graphic Designer

Wanda is the type of person who has lived many lives. Her varied life experiences have given her a lot of insight and the unique ability to approach a situation with a helpful perspective you may not have considered before. I always highly value her advice and counsel.

- Alex Kuusela, 29, Registered Nurse

Wanda has a keen attribute at listening to you and really giving you the different options available to you at any crossroad you may find yourself in. Non-judgmental, she truly empathizes with where you are and helps you find the best solution to attaining your goals.

- Fedele Naccarato, 57, Fleet Manager

Wanda is gifted in helping her clients feel at ease immediately, which in turn facilitates a positive, respectful and productive working environment. Wanda digs at the essence of what really matters and guides her clients with an empathetic and honest approach.

- SR, 55, Speech Language Pathologist

I have had the good fortune to know Wanda for many years now. She is an incredibly intuitive, resilient and energetic woman who was life coaching me long before she was a Life Coach! Her extensive knowledge of parenting, relationships and healthy living, combined with her own lived experience and compassion makes her a natural. She is passionate about helping others, has an extremely generous heart and is not afraid to challenge those around her to become better versions of themselves. She’s got the ability to connect with people of all ages and share her positive energy, asking the right questions to promote personal growth.   I’m sure her insight will help others as it did me.

- Karen, 49, Occupational Therapist

Everyone needs a little help sometimes dealing with stressful situations. Wanda's unique approach lets you see solutions that you just couldn't or didn't want to think about before. Changing your reaction really can lead to living a better life!

- Alison Rian, 47, Communication Strategist

If you are looking for a life coach who is genuine, and truly believes in her work and how it can help you, Wanda is the life coach for you. Wanda is a strong, empowering, proficient, no-nonsense guide, who will lead you toward being your best self. She has a way of leading you toward self-discovery, all the while, being patient, compassionate, and real. From my experience, Wanda is fully invested, committed , and completely present when interacting with you. Wanda has an uncanny ability to listen to what you are saying and respond back with articulate and constructive advice. In return, this forces you to not just look at yourself from within, but to also see how your action/reaction impacts your decision making going forward. Wanda helps you to see for yourself where your obstinance and angst reside. I recommend Wanda to anyone searching for a coach who is the real deal. She is dedicated and focused on helping you to achieve your goals.

- S. Baile, 52, Interior decorator

I have known Wanda on both a personal and professional level. 

From both levels, Wanda is a very warm, compassionate, and nonjudgmental individual. She is a great listener and always acknowledges something good in everyone in a time when you may not see it. 

Wanda makes you feel very comfortable and has a very gentle approach when trying to give you a different perspective on a situation. After talking to her you walk away feeling great self-worth and with great confidence. 

 I would highly recommend Wanda to anyone who is dealing with a crisis or simply needs someone who is there to listen and be supportive. Her positive energy will make you feel recharged with a new perspective on things. 

- Laura, 61, Retiree

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